Thursday, 30 July 2009

The ring finger!

A few weeks ago, when Håkan was in Gothenburg, a doctor came and looked at Håkan’s ring finger. The finger seemed to be dead, so they were going to cut off a little bit of it.

That evening, Håkan’s brother came to visit Håkan, with his son, and my brother and his wife. As you may well understand, Håkan was preoccupied with the answer he’d received earlier in the day. So, they started to pray to God, that He who is the God of wonders would intervene, and in Jesus name, create new skin on the ring finger.

The next day after breakfast, the staff came and took Håkan to have the operation done. Håkan was both cold and hot, as you might understand. When the doctor looked at the ring finger, she saw new skin. Several doctors had to look at the finger to decide its future. They saw new skin, so decided to schedule a later visit.

Today, Håkan went to Sahlgrenska for the exam. The finger has new skin and doesn’t need to be cut off. Thank you, Lord, for your grace! The surgeons also looked at Håkan’s back. It’s healing so nicely. Håkan was satisfied with the day. Everything went so well, and it felt secure having Mohammed along on the trip. In a few weeks, Håkan will have another appointment…

We want to give all glory to our God for every small wonder and large miracle that we have seen on this journey with Håkan, but also thank the staff for making the right decision and doing such a nice job.

Please pray that the doctors continue to make the right decisions for Håkan!

”My future is in God’s hands. In the dark of night, He turns on the light. He leads me one step at a time, on the way to the land of heaven.”

God bless you all!



  1. God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to us!

  2. Dear Gunilla & Hakan,

    I am so encouraged by this report!! It is so very true that our God is the God of good reports!!! Thank you for sharing with us again.

    It is also very true that we should pray for the medical doctors, nurses and technicians that they will see what God sees and treat Hakan accordingly, that Hakan will find favor with them. That is our prayer.

    We love you and continue to pray for you.

    Odessa, Missouri USA

  3. Dear Hakan and Gunilla
    Praying for you both for strength ,God bless you both .

  4. We are so glad that everything is Ok with pastor Hakan. Praise the Lord.
    Ruslan and Oksana, Russia
