Sunday 2 August 2009

Take care of…

We were up at the conference in Uppsala a few days. It was really good! Håkan and I have been there with the family every year since 1987. I was a little nervous about going without Håkan, but it was great to meet so many friends who have thought about us and prayed for us. We are really dependent upon the Lord and each other. That's the Body of Christ, taking care of and supporting one another – the Body functioning!

Imagine that a warm look can mean so much – it warms our hearts…
Imagine that a hug can mean so much – it’s felt…
Imagine that a word of encouragement can mean so much – it’s heard…
Imagine that a gift can mean so much – it’s noticed…

A big THANKS to everyone who, in one way or another, is participating in our long journey – it makes us feel borne, and we manage one more step.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2

Now I’m on vacation a couple of days with Daniel on the island of Gotland. We came over with the ferry yesterday, and got settled into a one bedroom apartment inside the wall in Visby. Today we’ve walked around, looked at the old part of the city, and at the old ruins. It’s fantastic to see all the old church ruins and monastery.

We were at the Salvation Army for a meal, fellowship and meeting in the evening. It was really wonderful, in every way. Afterwards, we took the car and traveled around the island. I wanted to see where my parents got engaged in 1945, here on Gotland.

Håkan has had visits from Josefina, Jakob and Maria, and Mohammed this weekend. Today, my sister, Anneli, her husband, Peter, Linnea and Agnes were with Håkan. Tomorrow, it’s Bella’s and Johanna’s turn.

I’ve been in 5th gear since the 3rd of March, so a few days’ break is not such a bad idea. When I spoke to Håkan today, he said he was happy for my sake and that this was what his wife needed – I suppose that’s true. That’s taking care of…

Live in the present, in thanksgiving, and take care of each other!


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