Saturday, 29 August 2009

A Little Nuts!

We don’t have many of our personal belongings left, as you have surely understood. I was so happy that two of my lavender hair bands were still around after the fire. Today I had braids in my hair. After school, I went to the bank and the store. When I came home, I saw that one of the braids had come undone and the hair band was gone. I went back and ran around, searching everywhere. It was gone. I realized that my eagerness to find it had more to do with it being something that was left from our live before the 3rd of March. If I haven’t had the hair bands in my hair, they’ve been on my arm since April – a little nuts!

I heard myself say to the personnel in the store that they should let me know if they found the hair band because it was one of the few things I had left after the fire – a little nuts, isn’t it? I went home with a smile on my lips. What a ridiculous reaction on my part, but the best part was that I realized that myself.

Today Håkan went with a bus full of patients and staff to the aquarium in Lysekil. The whole gang went around with wheelchairs and walkers. Beef patties in the restaurant were a high point. I asked our Daniel if he could take the bus out to Lysekil, with a camera, and take pictures, but he said no. I can imagine how it looked, anyway.

After the trip, Håkan was very tired, with all the impressions, but was glad, anyway, for the visits from Johanna, Gabriella and Jan.

After we had walked the boardwalk with our friend, Beckie, from Kenya, I went by Håkan and kissed him goodnight, because the next morning, he was off to Sahlgrenska again.

They removed half of Håkan’s stitches today; they’ll remove the other half next week. So, there will be more trips to Sahlgrenska. Down there, they have taken pictures of him in all positions, so they can see what exact adjustments will be needed in the future.

Now Håkan is walking on his own with the help of someone walking beside him with the walker. Thank you, Lord, for one more step in the right direction.

“…they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He sent His word and healed them…” Ps. 107:19-20

God bless you!

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