Thursday, 6 August 2009

So much can happen in a week!

Yesterday we came home from a wonderful vacation on Gotland. I drove straight to the hospital to visit my husband. There sat Håkan with Jan, Lotta and Dan on the balcony, full of flowers, the sun shining, the weather warm, after a real shrimp party, and he was in a good mood.

We went to his room and Håkan told me what they had worked on during the week. Training on walking up and down stairs has made it possible for Håkan to walk up 4 steps of stairs, with help.

The walker, which has been Håkan’s most important tool for getting back on his feet again, is still present, but he can raise himself up more easily now, with the walker’s help. We see a big difference just in this week we’ve been away.

We talked about Johan’s comment, “Give us one more week and Håkan will be able to walk better.” They have faith, and surely experience, and now we are there.

Today, Janne and I have been to see Håkan. Then he told us with a proud look that this was ”the big day” when he had walked 11 steps of stairs, both up and down, with an occupational therapist by his side, of course. After that, Håkan walked without the walker, for the first time, in the corridor, to the dining room, all by himself, naturally, with staff beside him.

This day is a breakthrough for Håkan and his gait! The joy in Håkan’s eyes, and the proud voice, make me think of the Bible verse, “Rejoice with those who rejoice…”

Håkan’s comment was, ”Imagine that you can be so happy for such minor progress, but in my world, this is extremely big.”

So now we are happy for this step. Please stand with us and pray for the next daring step that Håkan will take.

Thank you for visiting the blog and getting updated. Please write a greeting to Håkan – we’ll read it to him.

God bless you!


  1. Hi Hakan. We have been following your progress but have not posted a comment yet. Glad to see that you are making advancements. We have been praying for you with many others. God is good.

    Doug and Denise

  2. Hi Hakan,

    It's so good to read of your progress! We continue to pray for you, as do many others in our church. We are standing with you to see you fully recovered! We thank Jesus for all He has done and is doing in and through your life!

    We appreciate Gunilla's reports on the blog and her faith is an inspiration to us! Can't wait to meet her in person one day!

    Sending our love and prayers to you,
    Don & Cheri' White
    Christ's Family Church
    Omaha, NE USA

  3. Dear Gunilla and Hakan,

    What a joy to read your good report. Little steps, but big progress! God is good. Thank you for sharing. Be encouraged. God is working in you and encouraging us by your lives to trust even more in His ability to do amazing things.

    We love you and continue to pray for you daily.

    Bud and Suellen
    Odessa, Missouri USA

  4. Dear Hakan & Gunilla, so good to hear your news and follow your good progress. So encouraging, we're so pleased and trust that the walking will improve and increase day by day, God bless you
    D & Neil Townsend
    Wantage UK

  5. I am greatly encouraged by your perseverance and faith. Håkan, you mean so much to us and to hear of your success and progress is inspiring. As I have read these blog entries, I am overwhelmed by the Love, Prayer and sacrifice that has carried the Gniste family. What an example and living book you and Gunilla have become for us. You truely are, "Letters witten by God but read by men."

    Buck and Patty Hudson
